Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Images from the PAHW Basic Training Workshop

PAHW training complete

The Basic Training of Primary Animal Health Workers (PAHWs) now complete, the new recruits have set off to practice theirs skills in their communities! Mentors from DAFO and the National University will be supporting the PAHWs in their work, with an initial focus on cattle vaccination.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Interviews with farmers

The farmer interviewed here in Palai village provided a good example of how to implement good management practices on limited resources. However others in the village, who had less access to land or other resources, were struggling to make ends meet and replace chickens which had been wiped out from disease last year.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Now that the baseline surveys are complete, initial observations already point to some interesting findings. For example, interviews with farmers indicate low rates of livestock vaccination in most villages, with low awareness of which vaccinations are important. Moreover, whilst some farmers have had their cattle vaccinated in the past year, most do not vaccinate poultry, considering the time and costs involved not to be worth it given the relatively lower value of poultry.

There is a significant need for support amongst low-income households who struggle to invest in livestock and feed. Through improved support for livestock health in these villages, and tailoring of project activities to beneft those in need, we hope to help resolve some of these barriers to income generation and healthy livestock production.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Village surveys

This week we are conducting baseline surveys in villages in central Laos.

It has been very informative and we are learning a lot about the different attitudes and opportunities available to farmers.

The wide differences show that there is much room for awareness-raising, income-generating activities and animal health improvements.

Photos from the farm